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(Verse 1)

In the depth of my soul, emotions intertwine,

A song for my stepmother, a love that defies time.

Though we weren't always close, I cherished you still,

Your presence brought joy, and my heart was fulfilled.



Oh, stepmother dear, you were strict yet kind,

Your artistic spirit soared, and your love inclined.

Through moments of distance, my love remained true,

For you filled my father's heart, and his happiness grew.


(Verse 2)

Your strictness molded me, shaped me to be strong,

Your guidance, though stern, taught me right from wrong.

In your artistry, I found inspiration anew,

Your creativity sparked, and my aspirations grew.



Oh, stepmother dear, you were strict yet kind,

Your artistic spirit soared, and your love inclined.

Through moments of distance, my love remained true,

For you filled my father's heart, and his happiness grew.



Though we may not have shared the closest bond,

The love I held for you was deep and fond.

Your presence in our lives, a spiritual light,

Guiding us through darkness, shining ever so bright.



Oh, stepmother dear, you were strict yet kind,

Your artistic spirit soared, and your love inclined.

Through moments of distance, my love remained true,

For you filled my father's heart, and his happiness grew.



Though you've passed away, your memory lives on,

In every song, every art piece, every dawn.

Rest in peace, dear stepmother, in love, we'll be bound,

Forever grateful for the happiness you've found.

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